• How to burn Stored Body Fat

    What is fat? 
    Simply fat is just a stored energy or naturally oily substances occurring in bodies.

    How our  body stores Fat?

    Somewhere inside the body, like in muscle (leg, stomach, biceps) or in lever  it carries small amount of glycogen. Glycogen is readily mobilized storage form of glucose. Like whenever you are having carbs then stomach breaks down your carbs and converts into glucose then those glucose passes through blood stream. some of the glucose are further converted into energy but some of them are stored in Glycogen.Glycogen is also known as backup energy. Glycogen is just like a tank. Suppose you took a meal containing carbs , it goes inside your stomach, and it converts into glucose  and some of them stores in glycogen tank. At early time, only some of the energy are stored in glycogen, but if you repeat taking carbs  and other source daily, then more amount of energy will be stored in glycogen and after certain days of having it, glycogen tank will be full of energy. So what happens, energy will start overflowing from glycogen tank and  start creating fat cell. If you  are taking again and again carbs in any diet, then your fat cell goes on increasing and increasing. Along with increasing your fat cell, your stomach goes on expanding and results a fat stomach, body.

    How to burn stored fat?

    Now how to  burn it? At first we need to deplete glycogen. If you are not doing workout then, you might take your meal four times a day. So in these meals you must decrease carbs in your daily food.  In 3 meals you can drop your carbs and at once in a meal you can high carbs food. Whenever you take low carbs, you need to take more proteins and high fat. So what does it  do is that, this process starts reversing the overflow process of glycogen cycle and slowly it starts converting fat into energy. If you continue the meal process and in further day you almost stop taking carbs in your diet, Body starts taking energy from your fat cells and swells it out in the form of sweets. In this way slowly your stored fat will be reduced as you stop taking carbs in your meal. And in this way, glycogen  will be cleared and  energy will be stored by the proteins of  your diet. 

    Foods containing more carbs that we consume daily are: Potatoes, breads, pasta, rices, oats. So, for burning stored fat you need to control these foods in your meal.  Controlling foods does not mean you need to stop taking these food, it means you need to take these in less amount and in control form like if you are taking rices more stop taking other foods containing more carbs on that day you can add other source of carbs on following day and so on. Only maintaining diet wont helps you to burn fat at all unless you do a bit exercise to your body! By doing some exercise your body need more energy to perform task which will be consumed from your fat, and slowly fats starts getting reduced in the form of sweats. 


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