Hello bloggers, as usual today I am going to share some idea about top 3 fruits for gaining clean mass gain, clean muscle weight. Actually most of people takes diet in a wrong way which results to the bad mass gain like they gains muscle but along with the fat and diseases. So here I am going to describe you about top 3 fruits which helps in clean muscle gain, though the provided fruits are high in sugar but are naturals which are important for our body during exercises, during workout , during pre/post workout and so on . If you use these fruits in your diet definitely you will gain your muscle as per you need it. Though fruits shouldn't be added more, but it will be helpful if you are gaining muscle for adding calories. So here are the top 3 fruits found in Nepal for clean mass gaining. carb 25

Talking about banana, It is available in almost all the country. In the context of our country it is available in all the seasons. So for gaining mass we can add it 1-2 serving per day. We can also add it with milk by making shake so that calories which are required before and after workout or during day for muscle gaining then banana shake is one of the most powerful to gain some mass. It contains a lot of potassium. As our body contains lot of sodium, it doesn't allow our kidney to flush the fluid by adding potassium it helps in flushing the fluid. As we take normal sodium per day we need to take double potassium per day so that there will be balance of minerals. Potassium is very important mineral which is required for our body. Banana also contains a lot of electrolytes, whenever we are doing exercise a lot of sweat are swept and along with it also electrolytes are swept away so by taking this, we can recover our electrolytes. Therefore it will be very benefit in adding banana in diet. Medium banana (depending on size) contains 25-27grms of carbohydrates, nearly about 110 calories and protein or fat is almost 0.

Pineapple is also one of the most important mass gaining fruit which is available in almost all season in Nepal though people doesn't take it as its difficult in cutting and so on. Having difficult in cutting wont be excuse for our body, serving of it will be benefit to our own body. Coming to the point it will be very beneficial if we take this, after our workout. Pine-apple contains Vitamin-C to boost up our immune system, Vitamin-A for the eye, reproductive system and also for the skin. So this is also the most powerful diet as well. Per cup it contains 90 calories, almost 20-22grms carbohydrates. We can also add in as meal.

There are different types of mangoes available in our country. Since this is also the season of mango, we can add it for our diet. We can also use it by making its shake. It also contains a lot of Vitamin-C to boost immune system, Vitamin-A for eye, skins. So, If we take a cup of mango then it contains 25-27grms carbohydrates. We can also make a mango banana shake by mixing a cup of mango and a banana and if possible we can also add whey protein which will balance nutrition which is going to be very powerful shake.
So these are the top 3 fruits for clean mass gaining. It will definitely help you in gaining proper mass. That's all for this time. Keep taking proper diet stay fit and stay healthy.
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